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Introduction to Nursing Service Administration

قســـــــــــــــــم : Nursing Administration Department

توصيف مقرر دراسي

1-   بيانات المقرر
الرمز الكودي :nur-308 أسم المقرر:

Introduction to Nursing Service Administration

الفرقة / المستوى :3rd  year (2nd  semester
التخصص :Introduction to    Nursing Service Administration عدد الوحدات الدراسية :    نظري  (3 hrs / w  )     عملي (-)

2-   هدف المقرر :

By the end of the course the student will able to acquire knowledge about basic principles of nursing management
المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
أ‌-        المعلومات والمفاهيم : The student will be expected to:-

a-1. Define administration.

a-2. Define management.

a-3. List elements of management functions.

a-4.Define mission, vision, philosophy, and    objectives.

a-5. List purposes of nursing care standard.

a-6. List characteristics of good budget.

a-7.Define planning

a-8. Enumerate characteristics of good planning.

a-9. Define organizing.

a-10. Explain the basic elements of organizing.

a-11. Illustrate types of span of control

a-12. Define staffing.

a-13.Identfye component of staffing

a-14. Define directing.

a-15.List elements of directing

a-16.Explain steps for successful delegation

a-17.Dfine controlling

a-18. Illustrate the controlling system model.

ب – المهارات الذهنية : b-1.Recognize the inter relation among management functions

b-2. Differentiate between administration and management

b-3. Compare between types of plan.

b-4. Develop an effective plan of work activities.

b-5. Differentiate between authority and responsibility.

b-6. Differentiate between centralization and decentralization.

b-7. Evaluate critical variables affecting staffing in different work Settings.

b-8. Determine the scheduling patterns of working hours

b-9. Analyze the impact of controlling on organization and their different techniques.

جـ – المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر : C-1. Act as an active member of the health care delivery team.

C-2.Utilize appropriate channels of communication.

C-3. Design organizational chart

C-4.Analyze different methods of assignment

د – المهارات العامة : d-1.Communicate in professional manner orally and in writing.

d-2. Utilize information confidentially

d-3.Self learning, problem solving ,find information independently

3 – محتوى المقرر : Introduction to administration and management.


Planning tools

Nursing standard



Assembling resources



4- أساليب التعليم والتعلم : 4-1. Lecture

4-2. Group Discussion

4-3. Brain storming.

5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوي القدرات المحددة  
6- تقويم الطلاب :
أ‌-        الأساليب المستخدمة 1-اFinal written exam Written exam to assess knowledge

2-بOral exam to assess knowledge

3-Assignments to assess the ability to work in a group


ب‌-     التوقيت 1.ب Assessment 1………   Week No.    3

2.ب Assessment 2 ……      week No … 6

3.ب Assessment 3….         Week No … 9

4.ب Assessment 4….          Week No…12

Final exam at the end of semester

جـ – توزيع الدرجات 1-Final-term Examination       60%

-Oral   examination                                        20%2

3-Semester Work (Mid-Term Examination )  20%

8 – قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع :
أ‌-        مذكرات  
ب – كتب ملزمة Handouts handed to students
جــ – كتب مقترحة : Sullivan,J,and Decker. (1994) Effective Management in Nursing2nd addition, Wesley Co. New York.

Wise, P (1995): Leading and Managing in Nursing, Mosbey  Year Book

د – دورات علمية أو نشرات. . . الخ Journal of Nursing Administration


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