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تمريض صحة مجتمع

Community health nursing department                                                                                         Sohag university

Community Health Nursing

4th year exam

Date:-    13/5/2017                         Time:- 3 hours                        Code: Nur-407


Please answer the following questions         ( total marks 80 )

Part I :- Define the following :-                          (10marks 2 for each)I


 1- Disaster


2- Antenatal care


3- Community health assessment


4- Counseling


5- Telemedicine


II- Complete the following statement with suitable wards (10 marks )

1-    ………………………………is the continuing cooperative process of restoring the individual to maximal functioning, sometimes within the limits of a modified level of health.

2-    ………………………. .… ……..is the art and science of prolonging life, promoting health and preventing disease through organization of community efforts.

3-    …………………………………… is process which affects changes in the health practices of people and in the knowledge and attitude related to such changes

4-    …………………………………… Is a process or strategy that is implemented when any type of catastrophic event takes place

5-    ……………………………………… covers any disease contracted as a result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity

6-…………………………………Is the introduction by man, directly or   indirectly of substances or energy into the environment resulting in serious effect such as harm to the living resources, hazards to human health.

    7-…………………………………. A state of positive interaction between

     family members which enables each members of the family to enjoy optimum

     physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being.”

    8-……………………… may have very positive roles on health but in many

     circumstances there may be very harmful consequences on health like –

     substance abuse, involvement in criminal activity and sexual abuse.

   9-…………………………. Essential health care based on practical,   scientifically  sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made  universally accessible to individuals and families in the community.

  10-…………………………………… is a rural community problem which govern

      their way of life as female circumcision

III put true (T) for correct statement and put false (F) for incorrect one:                                                (20 marks one grade for each one)

T or F



The women can take only three doses of tetanus toxoid for life long-protection


 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus onset during childhood


stage of publicity is the stage of real education for the disinterested and alliterated population


persons working among animal products and agricultural workers are

specially exposed to chemical hazards


Mitigation stage actions considered long before an emergency occurs


The relationship between client and counselor is social relation


Kidney damage, liver problems and changes in the central nervous system appears at short  term effects of soil pollution.


Delivery by untrained midwives causes of maternal mortality


Occupational health means care of all working people without control of hazards in the working environment


The district nursing stage began in 1860 and lasted until 1970


Comprehension means repetition at intervals to comprehension and understanding


 Menopause is a major physical, emotional and social change female identity develops during early adult hood


When the client cries do not assume why the client is crying


 A high level of LDL is a major factor that increases the risk of developing heart diseases


Immobility evaluation of the patients’ functional activities in home visit includes only assessment of activities of daily living


One of the important goal of school health sciences Is a weakening of health consciousness in children


The unguarded machines, protruding and moving parts are the major problem in industry


Eye complication from acute complication  of diabetes


Mutual trust is established between client and community


Child education is a course or programme which is given to raising successful children, creating competent, confident parents, and building strong families and communities



IV:-Read the following statements and circle only one best answer :-                                    (15 marks one grade for each)

1- Principles of good counseling include:

    a) Supports to correct action.

    b) Counseling must be a two-way communication process

    c) Ask questions, listen, and respond to each client’s own needs.

    d)  Explain the facts.


2- Several nuclear families living in the same household, or near one another, and sharing goods and services.

a)  Commuter family

b) Commune family

c)  Knit-network family

d) Nuclear family

3 Occupational exposure to ultraviolet radiation affects

        a) The eyes, causing intense conjunctivitis and keratitis

      b) malformation, cancer, leukemia

      c) Injuries of the joints of hands, elbows and shoulders

4- Preparedness stage of disaster   

a) Intended to provide emergency assistance for casualties

      b) Actions taken to save lives before and during a natural disaster

c) Actions considered long before an emergency occurs

5- Psychological rehabilitation is

    a) Restoration of personal dignity and confidence.

    b) Retraining to earn a living, learning a new craft

    c) Restoration of the capacity to earns live hood.

    d) All of the above

6- Gestational diabetes mellitus

     a) develops after the age of 40 years

     b) onset during childhood

     c) onset or first recognition during pregnancy.

      7– Purpose of antenatal care are

       a)  Prevention of health problems for the couple and their future children

 b) To reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity rates

       c) Provide emergency care if necessary

   8- Health effects of noise include the following except:

psychological effects.         a)

biological effects.        b)

      c) pathological effects.

       d) physiological effect

9-can measure bone mineral density and detect osteoporosis before fractures occur

a)     mammograms

b)    sonographer

c)      LDL

d)     DXA

10- Home visit checklist include the following except:

a)     Immobility Evaluation.

b)    Nutrition.

c)     Home Environment.

d)    Outpatient facilities

 11- Example of Source of non-ionizing radiation:

a)     Uranium.

b)    Visible light.

c)     Consumer products.

d)    Dental product.

12- Methods of storage medical records :

a)     Individual medical file system

b)    World Bank system

c)     Special lists system

d)    Alphabetic filing System

13-Goals of Primary Health Care except:

a)     Improve socioeconomic condition.

b)    Improve access to health care service.

c)     Improve quality of health care services.

d)    Improve the health of the population.

14- Progress Note include:

a)     Quick data retrieval.

b)    Easy comparison of date.

c)     What should be done? Immediate referral

d)    Easy reminder to the health professionals.

15- Main Causes of  Mortality among School children

a)     Accidents.

b)    Parasitic disease

c)     Skin disease

d)    Diarrhea disease.

 V- list the following:-             (25 marks 1 for each point)

1-  Goals of occupational health





2- Types of rehabilitation are .





3- Elements of Counseling







4-Environmental factors causing accidents




5- Methods of solid waste disposal





6- Nursing intervention for patient with diabetic ketoacidosis





Good luck                انتهت الأسئلة                                                   


                           د/ ثريا  محمد محمود         د/ ايمان عز الرجال ابراهيم