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الرئيسية » امتحان العملى اطفال

امتحان العملى اطفال

 اسم الطالب :                                                                          امتحان العملى اطفال

Choose the correct answer:

1-Objectives of immediate care of newborn include:-

1-    Maintain respiration

2-    Prevent bleeding

3-    Hand washing

2-Administration of vitamin K to:-

1-    Prevent eye infection

4-    Prevent bleeding

2-    To encourage attachment

3-    ABC’s of resuscitation

4-    A – Establish open airway

5-    B – Initiate breathing

6-    C – Maintain circulation

5-    D- All of the above

Put true or false

1-    Taking temperature rectally in immediate care of newborn to identify any anal abnormality (     )

2-    Growth referees to increase in the physical size of the whole body (     )

3-    In cord care you not should ensure ligature too strong and fine      (    )

4-    Its recommended now to cover the cord care with gauze                              (       )

5-    Admission care for children should be effectively and in comfortable manner   (       )

اسم الطالب :                                                                          امتحان العملى اطفال

Put true or false

1-    Perineal care is the cleaning of the vulval and perineal area   (    )

2-    Examination of the breast should be after the menstrual period   (    )

3-    Its most important to examine all the breast in pattern: circular, vertical, wedge (    )

4-    You should use the finger pads of the three middles fingers for increased sensitivity  (     )

5-    80% of breast lumps are not cancer (     )

6-    It’s recommended in breast self examination to apply enough pressure to palpate deeply (     )