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تمريض الأطفال


Primary health care

Primary Health Care is defined as a first level of contact with the health system to promote health, prevent disease, and care for common illnesses, and mange ongoing health problems.

Nurse’s role in phototherapy

1       The lamp should be 5-8Cs over incubator.

2       Continue feeding.

3       Shield infant’s eyes.

4       Keep infant nude except for diaper area and change position frequently.

5       Clean skin frequently to prevent irritation.

6       Maintain adequate fluid intake to prevent dehydration and calculate intake and output.

7       Monitor body temperature to prevent hyperthermia.

8       Weight infant daily.

9       Observe skin, mucous membranes and stool.

10  Bilirubin levels should be monitored for at least 24 hours after discontinuing phototherapy.

Put true and false كل الاجابات خطأ)                 )

1-    BCG vaccine is considered vaccine not containing live microorganisms

2-    vitamin A ;   is given first dose 200,000 I.U oral, at age 9 months and second dose 100,000 I.U oral, at age 18 months.

3-    The best time to introduce weaning foods is about 3 – 6 months of age.

4-    Moderately-low-birth-weight, an infant whose birth weight is less than 1500g. 

5-    Fetal distress during labor is considered prenatal Factors Predisposing infant to be high-risk neonate

6-    Premature infants: it is an infant born earlier before 27 weeks of gestational age

7-    Infant require immediately admission to a level of intensive care When Infant more than 1800 gm or less than 34-35 gestation.

8-    Criteria for early discharge from the NICU when Infant weight more than 1600 gm, and gestational age more than 34 weeks.

9-    Respiratory distress syndrome is effective respiratory function resulting from lack of pulmonary surfactant, which is a substance, coats the lining of the alveoli to facilitate alveolar expansion, and contraction.

10-                       An infant of a diabetic mother is a baby born to a mother who not has diabetes.

Choose the correct answer

1-Side effects of DPT vaccine except

A – Fever

B- Local soreness

      c- No side effects for this vaccine

2-Complication of prematurity

1       Respiratory distress

2       Pneumomediastrinum

3       Pneumothorax

3-Complications of RDS

1-   Pulmonary interstitial emphysema

2-   A and C

3-   Chronic lung disease

4-Kernicterus develops when unconjugated bilirubin passes the blood brain barrier and is deposited in the

A-   Brain cells particularly the basal ganglia.

B-    Cerebellum

C-    Respiratory system

5- Indications for phototherapy

A- In infants<1500grams, if bilirubin exceeds 5mg/dl.

B-  In formula fed neonate, if bilirubin>20mg/dl.

C-  In breast fed neonate, if bilirubin>15-20mg/dl.

6-Complications of exchange transfusion

A- Embolism, thrombosis, infarction.

B-  Electrolyte disturbances

C-  A and B

7- Signs and symptoms of neonatal sepsis affected circulatory system are

A- Pallor, cyanosis or moutling , Cold, clammy skin and Hypotension

B-  Irregular respiration, apnea or tachypnea

C-  The infant generally is not doing well

8- Management of hyperbilirubinemia include

A- Phototherapy and exchange transfusion.

B-  Shield infant’s eyes.

C-  Keep infant nude except for diaper area and change position frequently.

9- Hypoglycemia is occurred when

A- Blood sugar <40-50 mg/dl

B-  blood glucose >125 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L) or plasma glucose >150 mg/dL

C-  Blood sugar >40-50 mg/dl

10-Principles of primary health care are:

1-Equitabledistribution of PHC

2-Manpower development

3- A and B