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Oral exam answer

Oral exam answer


List Factors Affect Process of Labor (5Ps)

1-    –

2-    –

3-    –

4-    –


List GATHER approach for appropriate counseling about family planning

6-    –

7-    –

8-    –

9-    –

10-         –


List Complication of diabetes in pregnancy


12-         –

13-         –

14-         –

15-         –


1-    –

2-    –

3-    –

4-    –

List First aid management of bleeding in early pregnancy 

5-    –

6-    –

7-    –

8-    –


List Five Predisposing and risk Factors of pre-Eclampsia

1-    –

2-    –

3-    –

4-    –




Oral exam answer


List Factors Affect Process of Labor (5Ps)

  1. Passenger (Fetus).
  2. Passage(birth canal)
  3. Power ( contraction)
  4. Placenta
  5.  psychological status of woman

List GATHER approach for appropriate counseling about family planning

  1. Greet the clients
  2. Ask them about themselves
  3. Tell clients about family planning methods
  4. Help clients choose a method
  5. Explain how to use the method
  6. Return for follow-up

List Complication of diabetes in pregnancy


  1. Preterm labor
  2.  hypertension
  3. Infection
  4. Antepartum hemorrhage


  1. Fetal malformations
  2. Macrosomia
  3. Intra uterine growth retardation (IUGR)
  4. Unexplained  intra uterine fetal death (IUFD)

List First aid management of bleeding in early pregnancy 

  1. Insert two wide IV cannula then withdraw blood for cross -matching investigations
  2. Start a crystalloid solution infusion (saline or Ringer’s lactate) as a fast drip
  3. If the patient is in shock or ectopic pregnancy is suspected
  4.  Cross-match at least one unit of whole blood
  5.  Insert a Foley catheter and monitor urine output
  6. Give  antibiotic therapy
  7. Always check vital sings( BP, RR, Temp, Pulse) blood pressure, respiration, temperature, pulse

List Five Predisposing and risk Factors of pre-Eclampsia

  1. Age: (extremes of age) younger than 20 or older than 40
  2.  Parity: increased in  primiparous
  3. low Social status
  4.  African-American race
  5. Genetic predisposition( family history)
  6. Multiples pregnancies
  7. Obesity
  8. Smoking
  9. Hydrops fetalis and polyhydramnios
  10. Hydatidiform mole
  11. DM, kidney disease
  12. Previous preeclampsia
  13.  Climate and seasons