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Mid-termExamof Ethics

Mid-termExamof Ethics             SecondYears Students

Date: 15 /4/2015                                                                                                                            Time: 1\2hrs                   

Total Marks: 10 Marks

This paper for questions only …..pleased answer in the  second  paper

Put true or false

1-     A profession Nurse is a calling that requires special knowledge and skilled  (     ——–  )

2-     Socialization Is a reciprocal learning process that occurs without interaction with other people.  (  ————-    )

3-     Ethics is concerned what ought to be, what is right, or wrong, good or bad. It is the base on moral reasoning and reflects set of values. (  — )

4-     In nursing it is not important to know and understand one’s beliefs because the practice of nursing frequently challenges nurses ‘ beliefs                                                                              (    ——-      )

5-     Values not influence behavior  and decision – making     (     ————–   )

choice the correct answer

1-Choice the proper to Occupation

A.     Commitment & personal Identification vary

B.     Works are autonomous

C.     Education is definite and Prolonged

2-     The Objectives of ICN (International Counseling of nurses) are:

A.     To improve the standers and states of Nursing.

B.     In 1993, 111 national Nurses Associations representing 1.4 Million Nurses worldwide were affiliated with the ICN .autonomous

C.     Roles as professionals and cope with professional problems.

3-     One from the following consider Type of Ethics:-

A.     Deontology

B.     Teleology

C.     Analytical

4-     The aim of the Ethiopian nurses association was the following except:

A.     Discuss higher standers in nursing

B.     Setting higher standers in nursing

C.     Licensing nurses

5-The main categories of beliefs include the following except

A.     Descriptive beliefs

B.     Evaluative beliefs

C.     Regulating beliefs

Good luck

Dr.AmanyAly Ahmed


Mid-term Exam of Ethics             SecondYears Students

Date :15 /4/2015                                                                                                                            Time:1\2hrs                   

Total Marks: 10 Marks

Put true or false

6-     A profession Nurse is a calling that requires special knowledge and skilled  (     √  )

7-     Socialization Is a reciprocal learning process that occurs without interaction with other people.  (  x    )

8-     Ethics is concerned what ought to be, what is right, or wrong, good or bad. It is the base on moral reasoning and reflects set of values. (   √  )

9-     In nursing it is not important to know and understand one’s beliefs because the practice of nursing frequently challenges nurses ‘ beliefs                                                                              (    √      )

10-     Values not influence behavior  and decision – making     (     x    )

choice  the correct answer

1-Choice the proper to Occupation

D.     Commitment & personal Identification vary

E.     Works are autonomous

F.     Education is definite and Prolonged

5-     The Objectives of ICN (International Counseling of nurses) are:

D.     To improve the standers and states of Nursing.

E.     In 1993, 111 national Nurses Associations representing 1.4 Million Nurses worldwide were affiliated with the ICN .autonomous

F.     Roles as professionals and cope with professional problems.

6-     One from the following consider Type of Ethics:-

D.     Deontology

E.     Teleology

F.     Analytical

7-     The aim of the Ethiopian nurses association was the following except:

D.     Discuss higher standers in nursing

E.     Setting higher standers in nursing

F.     Licensing nurses

5-The main categories of beliefs include the following except

D.     Descriptive beliefs

E.     Evaluative beliefs

F.     Regulating beliefs