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Community Health Nursing2

Community health nursing department                                                            Sohag university

Community Health Nursing

4th year exam

Date:-    23/5/2015                   Time:- 3 hours                 Code: Nur-407

Please answer the following questions         ( total marks 80 ) Part I :- Complete the following statement with suitable wards     (10 marks one grade for each)

1-     Advantage of  face to face .method of health education provide

immediate and personal rewards for competence or punishment

2- Accessibility  is removal of the barriers to entering and receiving services within any health care setting

3- Tuberculosis is the most reemerging disease  caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis in man

4- It is B virus hepatitis or long incubation hepatitis known as  serum hepatitis.

5-school age period.is the  period of stress and.strain

6-  home visit is interaction in a home directed at promoting and maintaining the health of individual and the family

7- Accident it is Occurrence in a sequence of events which usually  produces unintended injury, death or properly damage.

                                                   No of child’s death in age group of 1-<6 years 

   8-Preschool mortality rare  =          in  gives area and year                          × 1000

                             total no of children in the same age group in same area and year

9-A handicapped child is one who deviates from the normal physical, mental or psychological .

10- Kin-network means several nuclear families live in the same household or near one another                                                                                           


II-Circle true (T) for correct statement and circle false (F) for incorrect one:              (15 marks one grade for each one)

T or F





School children should be immunized against meningitis in 2nd and 4th year of primary school




Faulty traditional beliefs are important health problems in rural community




Jaundice notice in pre- icteric stage of  hepatitis A




Poor industrial relationship and lack of job satisfaction are causes of psychological occupation hazards




Human Immunodeficiency Virus is done as routine tests of  antenatal care




Insulin injection is required for patients with type II diabetes




Use of health services is one principles of health education




Monteux test is done to test  Hepatitis B




Environmental sanitation is control of all factors in the environment that affect public health




Community health nursing focus on sick individual and disabled




Suicide is one causes of accident.




Family is providing a system of reward and punishments.




Participation of family members  is one advantage of home visit




Primary prevention includes programs designed to detect disease in early stages




The main objective of occupational health nursing is to develop a health education program.



III:-Read the following statements and circle only one best answer :-                                    (15 marks one grade for each)

1- Needs of older women is

a) Rest and sleep

b) Maintain desirable weight

c) Protection from infection

d) all of the above

           2- Periodic examination of the infant for checkup in MCH at

b) One per year                           a) Monthly

c) Twice per year                 d) Six per year

3- Phases of family are the following:

    a) Beginning family                               b) Family with school age children

    c) Family in middle age years                d) All of the above

4- Which of the following are risk factors for diabetes mellitus?

   a) Obesity BMI less than 27kg                  b) Age less than 45years

   c) Person with chronic infection                d) All of the above

5- Mass media of health education is

a) The recipient do not participate in the education process

b) It is two way of communication

c) It is flexible change topic according to recipient

d) all of the above .

6- Primary health care provided in different health centers to

a) Care is community focused.

b) Emphasis is on curative care rather than preventive

c) Involve individual, family and community.

d– a & c

7- Disability rates are higher among the poor population for the following causes Except:

a)     Higher prevalence of chronic disease          b) Higher accident rates

   c) Less preventive care                                       d) Poor environmental condition

8- Which one of the following is the characteristic of community?

  a) Socialization                   b) Mutual support

  c) Distinctiveness                d) Data collection

9- Health promotion means carrying those activities aimed at:

  a) Assisting and supporting individuals

  b) Early case finding to prevent a quire immune- deficiency

  c) Early detection and treatment

  d) Maintaining individual healthy life style

10- The client with tuberculosis is to be discharged home with C.H.N follow up of the following interventions, which would have highest priority?

a)     Offering the client emotional support

b)     Teaching the client about disease and it’s treatment

c)     Coordinating various agency services

d)     Assessing the client environment for sanitation

11- One of accident predisposing factors in occupational health are:

a) Lack of hygiene

b) Usage of different types of machines

c) Psychological and social problems

d) Non of the above

12- Home visit are important for providing

a) services for maternal and child care

b) a definition of the role for community health nurse

c) a relieve of mother emotional tension

d) a system of community health structure

13- The type of examination required for food handlers are the following except

      a) Blood examination              b) chest X ray

      c) Swab from throat                 d) Anthropometric measurement

14- The nurse develops teaching plan for the client a bout how to prevent the transmission of hepatitis A. which of the following discharge instructions is appropriate for the client

a)     Spray the house to eliminate infected insects

b)     Tell family members to try to stay a way from the client

c)     Tell family members to wash their hands frequently

d)     Disinfect all clothing and eating utensils

15- Causes of rural socioeconomic problems:

   a) Faulty traditional beliefs           b) Endemic diseases

   c) Chronic diseases                       d) Searching for work

Part IV- Complete the following:-              (30 marks 1 for each)

1-   Dependent nurse roles on primary health care:

1-    Selection of laboratory tests or other diagnostic procedures

2-    Therapeutic decision involving drugs

3-    Referral ,admission , extended care

4-    Performing minor surgical operation

2- Measures to reduce infant mortality are

1-    Raising the standard of community

2-    Environmental sanitation

3-    Educate girls the art of mother craft and infant care

4-    Good coverage during the antenatal , natal and postnatal period

5-    Improvement of MCH services especially the educational activities

6-    Immunization

7-    Special care to premature infants

8-    Prevention of gastric and respiratory infection

9-    Family planning

10-breast feeding

3- Maternal health indices are:

1-    Maternal mortality rate

2-    Prenatal mortality rate

3-    Pregnancy out com (abortion ,still birth)

4- Outreach program for rural community are:

1-    Home visits

2-    Immunization

3-    Mobil units

5- Principles of town planning are:

1-    Division of town districts

2-    Sufficient spacing and open areas between building for good ventilation

3-    General public services

4-    Suffocation wide streets

6-Causes of mortality among school children:

  1. Infectious diseases
  2. Accident
  3. Rheumatic fever

7-Adminstrative role of occupational health nurse are:

1-    Operation of an occupational health service

2-    Maintain of worker occupational health record

3-    Evaluation of the occupational health services

4-    Training of auxiliary health personal

5-    Co-ordination of emergency procedures

6-    Participation in the occupational health program

8- Nursing interventions for patient with diabetic ketoacidosis are:

1-    Check vital signs

2-    Check urine for sugar and acetone

3-    Insert indwelling catheter to measure urinary out put

4-    Carry out prescribed medication

5-    Naso gastric intubation  to relieve vomiting

6-    Care of coma

Part V:(10 marks1 for each  )Match the statement in column “A” with the correct answer in column “B” writes the number in the space provided 

Column (B)

Column (A)

1- It is an area in which substandard housing predominates.



2-An epidemic that is worldwide in distribution

Domiciliary care


3- Includes health promotion & specific protection



4- Care of all working people with control of hazards in their working environment



5-Agroup of cases of a specific disease clearly in excess of what one would normally expect in geographic area

Health appraisal


6-The health  care that provide by a health care professional in the first contact of a patient with the health system

Primary level of prevention


7- Providing care to the client’s own home

Herd immunity


8- Is the process of migration of people from rural to urban areas.

Primary health care


9- The immunity level present in a particular population of people



10-The host’s ability to resist a particular infectious disease causing agent.

Slum area


11- Its mean organized activities to assess or the complete health status of the pupil from the physical, mental, and emotional conditions.

12- Is the process of providing nursing care to the clients own setting

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