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Community Health Nursing

Community health nursing department                                                                                                   Sohag university

Community Health Nursing

4th year exam

Date:-    23/5/2016                         Time:- 3 hours                               Code: Nur-407


Please answer the following questions         ( total marks 80 )

Part I :- Define the following :-        (10marks 2 for each)


 1-Community health nursing :

   It is a specialized field of nursing that focuses on the health

  needs of communities, aggregates, and in particular vulnerable

   populations. It is a practice that is continuous and comprehensive directed towards all groups of community members.

2- Family

 Family is a group of biologically-related persons living together and sharing the common kitchen and purse.

   Or Family is group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together in a household

3- Disaster

 A disaster is any event that causes a level of destruction, death, or injury that affects the abilities of the community respond to the incident using available resources


 It is the continuing cooperative process of restoring the individual to maximal functioning, sometimes within the limits of a modified level of health

5- Epidemiology

is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in populations, and the application of this study to control health problems


II-Circle true (T) for correct statement and circle false (F) for incorrect one:              (15 marks one grade for each one)

T or F




Monteux test is done in  Hepatitis B



Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus onset during childhood



The incubation period of tuberculosis is about 4-12 month



Radio active isotopes is one of the chemical occupational hazards



Terrorism from man made disasters



The unguarded machines, protruding and moving parts are the major problem in industry



Schedule of antenatal visits (15- 18)  in normal cases



Delivery by untrained midwives causes of maternal mortality


T   إ

Health problems of the rural communities include accidents



We usually use progress note depending on (SOAP) system



The long term effects of the soil pollution can lead to headaches, nausea & fatigue.



Spread of (T.B) is a result of sick building



Integration and coordination of services from the characteristics of PHC



Susceptible is one of content of epidemiologic triad



Parenting education is a member of the community get opportunities to observe & learn for improving nutritional status of their children.



III:-Read the following statements and circle only one best answer :-                                    (15 marks one grade for each)

1- From main goal of rehabilitation is

a-Assist client and their families to adjust to disability    

b- Involve individual ,family and community

c- Emphasis is on curative care rather than preventive

2- Purpose of antenatal care are

a- Prevention of health problems for the couple and their future children

b- To reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity rates 

c- Provide emergency care if necessary .

3– DOTS means ;-

    a- From Types of rehabilitation

    b- A major health problem in developed countries

      c- directly observed treatment, short course

      d- Most commonly in obese person

4- Response stage of disaster   

a- Intended to provide emergency assistance for casualties 

      b- Actions taken to save lives before and during a natural disaster

c- Actions considered long before an emergency occurs

5- Vocational rehabilitation is

a-   Restoration of personal dignity and confidence.

b-   retraining to earn a living, learning a new craft

c-   Restoration of the capacity to earns live hood.

d-   All of the above

6- Type II  diabetes mellitus is

a-    develops after the age of 40 years

b-    onset during childhood

c-    onset or first recognition during pregnancy.

d-    All of the above

Which immunization produces a permanent scare    7-

  a- DPT

  b- BCG

c- Measles vaccination.

 d- Hepatitis B vaccination

8- Methods of storage medical records :

   a-Mechanical system

   b-World Bank system

    c- Numeric System

9- Health effects of noise :

    a-Biological effects

b-    Psychological effects

c-     Chemical effects

10- Mode of transmission of infection :

         a-Inoculation into skin or mucosa.

         b-Site of election inside the body

c-Survival in external environment.

11-Non traditional family :

        a-Knit -network family.

        b-Commune family

        c-Commuter family

12-Types of home visits include :

        a-Dying patient home visit

        b-Child rearing home visit

        c-Emergency care and first aid

13-  From risk factors of TB is

a-     Obese persons

b-    Who have HIV infection

c-     Hypertension

14- The purpose of standard  practice for community health nursing are

a-     Provide criteria for measuring actual performance

b-    Set a benchmark for new community health nurses

c-     Establish criteria and expectations for acceptable nursing practice and safe, ethical care

d-    All of the above

15- From environmental factors cause accidents

      a- slippery floors

      b- home accidents

      c-vision and hearing defects

d-    a & b

Part IV- Complete the following:-              (35 marks 1 for each)

1-  Obstetric causes of maternal mortality

  1. Toxemias of pregnancy
  2. Hemorrhage
  3. Infection

 4-Obstructed labor


2-Role of the nurse in the disasters

1- Nurse as first responder : case finding , referring ,prevention ,health education and surveillance.

2- Nurse as epidemiologist and surveillance

3- Nurse as communicator

4- Nurse in action to apply level of prevention

3-Standards of practice for community health nurses .

1-Health Promotion

2-Prevention and Health Protection

 3- Health Maintenance, Restoration and Palliation

 4-Professional Relationships

5-Capacity Building

 6- Access and Equity

 7: Professional Responsibility and Accountability

4- Objective of child health program :

1- Health promotion of children.

2-   Prevention and control of diseases and hazards.

3-   Prevention of disability and rehabilitation

4-   Reducing child mortality.

5-Risk factors for diabetes mellitus :

  • Persons with a family history of diabetes.

•    Obese persons (>20 over desired body weight or BMI >27kg/m).

     •    Mothers delivering large babies.

•  Race /ethnicity (African, Hispanic, Asian).

•    Age>45.

•    Hypertension (> 140/90 mmHg).

•    Cholesterol level <35mg/dl and or triglyceride level >250 mg/dl.

•    History of gestational diabetes.

•    Persons with early onset of arteriosclerosis.

•    Men having myocardial infarction before the age of 40 years.

•    Premenopausal women with myocardial infarction.

•    Persons with frequent or chronic infections (gall bladder disease,

      pyelonephritis, pancreatitis

6- Advantages of flow sheets

1-Quick data retrieval.

2- Easy comparison of date.

3- Easy reminder to the health professionals

7- Air pollution control include

1- Using filter and high chimneys away from the surface of the earth.

2- Using fuel that contains no sulfur or lead.

3- Measuring the degree of concentration of pollution in the air.

4- Promote legislation to prevent air pollution.

8- Objectives of PHC

 1-Promotion of community health through health education about nutrition,

     physical activities and mental health

2- Activating community based programs.

3- Prevention of health hazards in the community

4- Early detection and early treatment of illness and health hazards.

9- Needs of school-age group

 1-Nutritional needs.

2- Protection from infection.

3- Maintenance of health.

4- Exercises.

5- Rest and Sleep.

6- Curative Services.

7- Psycho social needs.

8- Health education

10- Factors affecting Women’s health status

     1-Educational and economic level

      2-Cultural level of the women.

      3-Women in midlife

Part V:Complete the following statement with suitable wards (5 marks half for each  )


1-      Rehabilitation is the continuing cooperative process of restoring the individual to maximal functioning

2-      Features of a community include Location, Population and Social system

3-      Causes of infant mortality are LBW low birth weaight, Birth injury

and  Congenital anomalies

  • Hemolytic disease of newborn
  • Conditions of placenta and cord
  • Diarroheal diseases
  • ARI (acut respiratory infection)
  • Tetanus

4-      Pollution  Is the introduction by man, of directly or indirectly of substances or energy in to the environment resulting in serious effect such as harm to the living resources.

Good luck                انتهت الأسئلة                                                   


                           د/ ثريا  محمد محمود

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