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الرئيسية » نموذج استرشادي (1) لمادة تمريض المسنين للفرقة الرابعه

نموذج استرشادي (1) لمادة تمريض المسنين للفرقة الرابعه

نموذج استرشادي لمادة تمريض المسنين1

Part I: write (T) if the statement is true, and write (F) if the statement is false:

NO. Statement T / F
1. The role of gerontological nurse as a advocator the nurse has an important role in helping the individuals stay well.  
2. Life expectancy is the average number of years that a person is expected to live.  
3. Senility is a period of one’s life during which the greatest amount of aging occurs.  
4. Giggle incontinence is an involuntary response to laughter. It usually affects elderly.  
5. Urinary incontinence increased frequency of urination with scant amounts of urine being passed.  
6. Urinary tract infection is an infection involving the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra.  
7. The bursae are fluid-filled synovial sacs located at various points around the joints.  
8. Osteoporosis is the major cause of disability in older adults.  
9. Xerostomia can lead to inadequate diet and dental caries.  
10. With ageing the pancreas decreases in overall weight, and some tissue is replaced.  
11. Pneumonia is a common complication of influenza in the elderly. A “flu” shot helps to prevent influenza and pneumonia.  
12. Heart failure a condition that occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s metabolic demands.  
13. The influenza vaccination is made mid-yearly and contains the influenza viruses most likely to be infectious that year.  
14. Abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias), such as atrial fibrillation, are more common in older people. They may be caused by heart disease.  
15. Calcium loss (i.e., hypocalcemia) must be monitored closely in elderly patients receiving diuretics.  
16. Neglect the person shows sunken eyes, excessive thirst, incontinence and bed sores.  
17. Ridicule and threatening behavior are indicators of social abuse  
18. Sexual abuse is sexual contact without consent or by force or threat of force.  
19. The patient has the right to have an advance directive.  
20. The patient has the right to ask and be informed of the existence of business relationships among the hospital.  
21. Continuity theory suggests ways of maintaining activity in the presence of multiple losses associated with the aging process.  
22. According to activity theory, declining health, loss of roles, and other obstacles to maintaining an active life are to be resisted and overcome instead of being accepted.  
23. The basic personality and patterns of behavior changed as aging progresses.  
24. Oral nutritional supplements are generally liquid preparations that are high in energy, protein, High-calorie, nutrient-rich supplements and fiber for people who are unable to eat.  
25. Supplements are designed to replace meals but should be provided between meals and at bedtime.  


Part II: Read the following statements and circle only one best answer:

1- One of the following consider characteristics of aging process:

  1. Increase of health status.
  2. Decrease risk for diseases.
  3. Increased mortality with age.
  4. Decrease physiological changes.


2- The length of time that has passed since birth this term refers to:

  1. Functional age.
  2. Chronologic age.
  3. Biological age.
  4. Psychological age.

3- Strategies for successful aging are the following:

  1. Inactive engagement with life.
  2. Impaired social connection
  3. Get regular check-up.
  4. Health care services decline.


4- Symptoms of urinary tract infection include:

  1. Vaginal and rectal pain.
  2. Urinary stones.
  3. Burning with urination.
  4. Involuntary loss of urine.

5- Normal change affecting the urinary system include:

  1. Delayed in micturation reflex.
  2. Infrequent urination.
  3. Increase glomerular filtration.
  4. Strong odor to urine.

6- Diagnosis of urinary incontinence include:

  1. Physical examination.
  2. Complete blood count.
  3. Stress test.
  4. Pelvic examination.

7- Symptoms of peptic ulcer include : 

  1. Change in person’s thinking.
  2. Loss of appetite and weight loss

8- Risk factors for constipation in elderly is:

  1. Hypercalcemia
  2. High fluid intake,
  3. High dietatry fiber
  4. High vit A intake

9-Which one of the following is function of musculoskeletal system?

  1. Paine in the oral mucosa.
  2. Protection for vital organs.
  3. Burning sensation of the tongue.
  4. Hormonal regulators of calcium.

10-The changes in the musculoskeletal system is:

  1. a) Decreasing body weight
  2. b) Hiatus hernia.
  3. c) Decreasing height
  4. d) Normal separation

11-The most prominent early symptom of chronic bronchitis among elderly is:

  1. Use of accessory muscles when breathing
  2. Increase in pulse and respiratory rates
  3. Exertional dyspnea
  4. the expectora­tion of thick, white mucus.

12-The first indicators of an asthmatic attack among elderly:

  1. chest tightness” or an audible wheeze
  2. Profuse diaphoresis
  3. productive cough
  4. Cyanosis in nail beds or around the lips

      13- Management of moderate asthma among elderly

  1. beta adrenergics drug
  2. oral corticosteroid
  3. Anti-inflammatory drug
  4. bronchodilators

14-For cardiovascular diseases dietary sodium is restricted to approximately:

  1. 2 to 3 g/day.
  2. 1 to 3 g/day.
  3. 2 to 4 g/day.
  4. 1 to 4 g/day.




  • Age – changes of the blood include:
  1. There is less fluid in the bloodstream, so blood volume increases.
  2. The speed with which red blood cells are produced in response to stress or illness is reduced.
  3. Certain white blood cells important to immunity (neutrophils) stay at the same level.
  4. The ability to resist infection increases

16-Recommended time for elderly exposure to sun:

  1. 15 minutes/day
  2. 30 minutes/day
  3. 40 minutes/day
  4. 50 minutes/day
  • The daily recommended amount of non-caffeinated fluid that older adults consume to maintain adequate hydration status:
  1. 1500-2000 ml /day
  2. 2000-2500 ml /day
  3. 2000-3000 ml /day
  4. 2000-4000 ml /day


  • Indicators relating to the caregiver (abuser):
  1. Behaves aggressively.
  2. Improper fitting or damaged dentures
  3. Elder unawareness of monthly income.
  4. Humiliation


  • Risk factors of elderly abuse:
  1. Physical health
  2. High level of education.
  3. Cognitive impairment
  4. Social interaction
  • Consequence of elder abuse:
  1. Physical health.
  2. Good hygiene.
  3. Over-sedation, substance abuse.
  4. Independency

 21-Advocacy refers to:

  1. the concept that each person has a right to make independent choices and decisions.
  2. loyalty and a supporting of the needs and interests of others
  3. keeping promises or being true to another.
  4. ethical obligation to good stewardship of both the patient’s and the organization’s funds.

22-Veracity means:

  1. The fairness of an act or situation.
  2. Truthfulness and refers to telling the truth.
  3. Keeping promises or being true to another.
  4. Respect clients right to privacy.
  • Biologic theories of aging include
  1. genetic theory.
  2. activity theory.
  3. continuity theory.
  4. disengagement theory.

24- Examples of natural defense that can countract the effect of free radical:

  1. Polyunsaturated fats
  2. Vitamins C and E
  3. Protein
  4. Mineral



25- Examples of psychosocial theories include:

  1. disengagement theory.
  2. free radical theory.
  3. cross-linking theory
  4. immune theory.