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الرئيسية » Description of the College Agent for Graduate Studies and Researches

Description of the College Agent for Graduate Studies and Researches

Second: The College Agent for Graduate Studies and Research

Duties and Responsibilities:

1- Preparing a plan for graduate studies and scientific research in the college based on the proposals of departmental councils and specialized committees.

2- Following up the implementation of the graduate studies and scientific research in the college in the various departments of the college.

3- Supervising the affairs of scientific publishing in the college and following up the implementation of the policy drawn up in this regard.

4- Organizing scientific conferences and seminars in the college and taking care the affairs of foreign cultural relations.

5- Preparing what is presented to the annual conference of the college.

6- Supervising the affairs of the library and proposing a plan to provide it with books, references and periodicals.

7- Supervising the affairs of the college’s research lab and proposing a plan to provide it with modern educational devices and tools.

8- Supervising the affairs of international students for postgraduate students.