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إداب خدمات التمريض


نموذج رقم (12)

جامعة / أكاديمية : سوهاج

كليـــة / معهـــد : التمريض

قســـــــــــــــــم : Nursing Administration Department

توصيف مقرر دراسي


1-   بيانات المقرر   
الرمز الكودي :  nur402 أسم المقرر:Nursing


الفرقة / المستوى : 4th  year (1st semester )
التخصص : Nursing Administration عدد الوحدات الدراسية :نظري (4 hrs)     عملي (20 hrs)
2-   هدف المقرر : By the end of the course the student will be apply strategies of time management, communicate in professional manner, lead effectively in a group, apply decision making process.
المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
أ‌-        المعلومات والمفاهيم:              The student will be expected to:-

1.أ      Identify philosophy and objectives of the nursing service administration department.

2.أ     Identify different criteria and qualifications for selection of head nurse

3.أ      Define time management.

4.أ     Enumerate consequences of poor time management

5.أ     Identify types of reports forms

6.أ     List systems of scheduling

7.أ     State purposes of assignment

8.أ     List characteristics of good assignment

9.أ     Explain guidelines for giving a work assignment

10.أ   Define equipment, supplies, and facilities.

11.أ  Define leadership process

12.أ  List characteristics of good leader.

13.أ  List importance of motivation.

14.أ  Identify verbal and non verbal communication.

15.أ  Recognize factors influencing communication

16.أ   List causes of conflict

17.أ  Describe the factors that will facilitate good group decision making

18.أ  Summarize the process of decision making.

19.أ  Identify types of change

20.أ  Determine the need for change

21.أ  Define staffing

22.أ  Identify factors affecting staffing pattern.

23.أ  Define staff development

24.أ  explain needs for staff development

25.أ  List purposes of performance appraisal

26.أ  Describe of a good evaluation tool

27.أ  Define quality

28.أ   Recognize benefits of quality assurance


ب – المهارت الذهنية :  

1.ب           Compare between external and internal time waster

2.ب           Analyze reasons of procrastination

3.ب           Differentiate between record and report.

4.ب           Classify scheduling working hours

5.ب           Construct model of organizing nursing care

6.ب           Compare between traditional methods of organizing patient care.

7.ب           Differentiate among different leadership styles

8.ب           select appropriate style according situation

9.ب           conclude guidelines to improve communication

10.ب       predict the communication flow in the organization

11.ب       compare between problem solving and decision making skills in day       duties

12.ب       Apply the change process steps

13.ب       Compare between Leadership role and management function in change

14.ب       Demonstrate stages of change

15.ب       Analyze methods used for determining staffing pattern

16.ب       Synthesize nurse manager role toward staff development.

17.ب       compare between methods of performance appraisal

18.ب       Conclude benefits of Q, A

19.ب       Differentiate between standard, criteria and indicator

جـ – المهارت المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر : 1.ج    Apply strategies of time management clinical practice

2.ج   Use kardex.

3.ج   Differentiate between methods of planning for comprehensive patient care.

4.ج   Apply different  assignment methods at clinical setting

5.ج   Lead effectively a group of nurses in different work situation

6.ج   Utilize appropriate channels of communication

7.ج            Apply the decision making process

1.ج   Apply strategies for overcoming obstacles to change.

2.ج   calculate the staffing pattern and staffing plan

3.ج   Analyze the basic element for designing and implementing the staff development program.

4.ج   Explain and conduct performance appraisal interview

5.ج            Use several instruments to measure quality of care standard.

6.ج   Analyze measures used for resolving problems


د – المهارات العامة : 1.د    Work coherently and successfully as apart in projects

2.د    Self learning, problem solving, find information independently.

3.د    Communicate in professional manner orally and in writing.

4.د    Utilize information confidentially

5.د    Apply time management principles effectively.

6.د    Apply quality improvement concept in different setting.

4 – محتوى المقرر :          

1.4      Introduction to nursing service department

2.4      Head nurse role

3.4      Time management-

4.4      Documentation

5.4     Scheduling

6.4     Methods of organizing patient care

7.4     Material resources of nursing management

8.4     Leadership

9.4     Motivation

10.4     Communication

11.4      Conflict

12.4     Decision making

13.4     Change

14.4     Staffing and scheduling

15.4     Staffing development program

16.4     Performance appraisal

17.4     Quality of care

5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم :    1.5            Lecture

2.5            Role play

3.5            Discussion

4.5            Brain storming

5.5            Clinical practice

6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوي القدرات المحددة    1.6            Role play

2.6            Clinical practice

7- تقويم الطلاب :
أ‌-        الأساليب المستخدمة 1.أ     Written exam to assess knowledge

2.أ     Oral exam to assess knowledge

3.أ     practical evaluation to assess skills

4.أ     Osce

ب‌-     التوقيت 1.ب Assessment 1………   Week No.    3

2.ب Assessment 2 ……      week No … 6

3.ب Assessment 3….         Week No … 9

4.ب Assessment 4….          Week No…12

5.ب Final exam at the end of semester

جـ – توزيع الدرجات 1.ج   Final-term Examination       40  %

2.ج   Oral Examination.                 10   %

3.ج   Semester Work (Mid-Term Examination – Practical Examination)  50 %

8 – قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع :
أ‌-        مذكرات Course note
ب – كتب ملزمة 1.ب Course Notes

2.ب Handouts handed to students

جــ – كتب مقترحة : Tomey, A. (1992): Guide to Nursing Management. C.V Mosby Company.

Sullivan,J,and Decker,J. (2005) Effective Management in Nursing2nd addition, Wesley Co. New York.

د – دورات علمية أو نشرات . . . الخ Wise, P (1995): Leading and Managing in Nursing, Mosbey  Year Book New York.

Journal of Nursing Administration


أستاذ المادة : ……………………..                      رئيس مجلس القسم العلمي : …………………………