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الرئيسية » تمريض البالغين

تمريض البالغين

نموذج رقم (12)

جامعة / أكاديمية : سوهاج

كليـــة / معهـــد : التمريض

قســـــــــــــــــم : Medical-Surgical Nursing Department

توصيف مقرر دراسي

1-    بيانات المقرر   
الرمز الكودي :


أسم المقرر:

General medical –Surgical nursing

الفرقة / المستوى :

1st  year (2nd semester )

التخصص :

Introduction of adult nursing

عدد الوحدات الدراسية : نظري  (4hours/ week  ) عملي (20 hours/ week  )

2-   هدف المقرر :

At the end of this course the student will be able to :

Providing clinical training opportunity for nursing students to reinforce and integrate clinical skills and knowledge acquired during their study through theory & clinical experience to develop nursing skill, concepts, attitudes & knowledge to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care for treatment client.  Clinical experience will be obtained in structured health care setting under student supervision of preceptors in different clinical areas they choose with the guidance and indirect supervision of faculty members. This course will include planning, implementing and evaluation nursing care for patient adapting to commonly occurring health problem in cardiac alteration, gastrointestinal, metabolic and endocrine, hematological and concept. Theory is specific to the health care need of patient with actual and potential alteration in relation to medical and surgical alteration

  3-    المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
  ‌أ)      المعلومات والمفاهيم : 1) أ Describe  etiology, clinical picture, pathogenesis, diagnoses and complications of common and life threatening health conditions affecting patients with different age groups.

2) أ Recognize the common diagnostic and laboratory techniques necessary to establish diagnosis of common illnesses.

3) أ Identify determinants of health and principles of different levels of prevention for different age groups and settings.

4) أ Describe principles of nursing management of common and life threatening problems in different age groups.

5) أ Delineate  the ethical considerations in nursing practice.


  ‌ب)   المهارت الذهنية : 1) ب              Utilizes a range of appropriate technique to assess health determinants including physical , mental , and social aspects .

2) ب              Deliver safe nursing care to various categories of patients in different health care settings through standardized protocols and  evidence based guidelines.

3) ب              Execute appropriate nurse care independently and within a work group .

4) ب              Identify  and refer cases to appropriate levels when required.

5) ب              Conduct appropriate health education to patients , utilizing appropriate methods and tools according to patients and the situations.

6) ب              Document all steps of the provided nursing care .

7) ب              Assess the outcome of all delivered nursing activities .


  ‌ج)    المهارت المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر : 1) ج               Utilize information generated from assessing nursing activities to formulate nursing diagnoses .

2) ج               Compose appropriate nursing care planes taking into consideration available workload and availability of resources within the context of a holistic care approach .

3) ج               Utilize appropriate teaching strategies and  setting priorities of actions and making decisions .

4) ج               Utilize a  range of teaching / learning principles in conducting educational activities to patients .

5) ج               Synthesize clinical evidence in handling problems related to management and patient care .

6) ج               Use teaching  and  learning principles in implementing educational activities to patients and subordinates.


  ‌د)      المهارات العامة : 1) د                Identify problems  and suggest alternative solutions    .

2) د                Work effectively within a team.

3) د                Apply communication skills in professional, social and therapeutic context.

4) د                Participate in ongoing educational activities related to professional issues.

  4 – محتوى المقرر :  

–       Nursing management of patient with respiratory disorder:

–       Anatomy and physiology system

–       Assessment of respiratory system

–       Respiratory disorders :

–       chronic bronchitis

–       Emphysema

–       Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

–       Bronchial asthma

–       Bronchiactasis

–       pulmonary tuberculosis

–       – pulmonary embolism

–       Nursing management of patient with cardiac cardiac disorder :

–       -Anatomy and physiology of cardio vascular system

–       -nursing Assessment of cardiac disease

–       Hypertension

–       -Rheumatic fever

–       -Congestive Heart failure

–       -Nursing management of patient with gastrointestinal system

–       – Anatomy and physiology of gastrointestinal system

–       – Assessment of gastrointestinal system

–       Gastric disorder:

–       -Gastritis

–       -Peptic ulcer

–       – Hepatic and billiary disorder:

–        -Anatomy and physiology of liver

–       -Hepatitis

–       -Hepatic cirrhosis:

–       -Cholycyctis

–       intestinal disorder:

–       -Ulcerative colitis

–       – Nursing management of patient with metabolic and  endocrine disorder :

–       -Diabetes  mellitus

–       -Thyroid disorder

–       -Hypothyroidism

–       -hyperthyroidism

–       -Goiter

–       – Nursing management of patient with hematological disorder:

–       -Leukemia

–       Concept:

–       -Nursing process

–       -Surgical asepsis

–       – Preoperative care

–       -Interpretative care

–       – Postoperative care

–        -Wound management Cancer

–       Cancer

  5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم A5             Lecture/ Discussion

B5             Small group discussion

C5             Assigned textbook reading

D5             Handout

E5             Audiovisual materials- power point

F5             Demonstration

G5            Written Tests

H5             Evaluation

I5               Nursing cave

  6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوي القدرات المحددة لا تقبل الكليه الطلاب ذوي القدرات المحددة
  7- تقويم الطلاب :
  أ‌-        الأساليب المستخدمة 1) أ Mid-Term Examination

2) أ Final-term Examination

3) أ Oral Examination

4) أ Performance checklist

  ب‌-     التوقيت 1) ب              performance checklist                               (7th. Week)

2) ب              performance checklist                               (12)th Week)

3) ب              Midterm exam                                          (13)th Week)

4) ب              final term examination                              (15)th   week )

5) ب              Oral term examination                              (15)th   week )

  ت‌-     توزيع الدرجات 1)ت                Mid-Term Examination                                                        20 marks(10%)

2)ت                Final-term Examination                                                       80 marks( 40%)

3)ت                Oral Examination.                                                               40 marks(20% )

4)ت                Semester Work                                                                    60 marks(30% )

  8 – قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع :
  أ‌-        مذكرات  
  ب‌-     كتب ملزمة 1.ب    Course notes

2.ب    Dr.  Hand out

ت‌-     كتب مقترحة : 1)ت                – Monhan, D. M, Neighbars M, and Green. Phipps, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Health & Illness perspective, 8th Elsevier Massby 2007.

2)ت                Ladwig, G. & Ackley,B. (2007). Mosby’s guide to nursing diagnosis. (2 edition). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier

3)ت                – Mosby’s dictionary of medical, nursing & health professions. 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier

ث‌-     دورات علمية أو نشرات . . . الخ    


أستاذ المادة                                           رئيس مجلس القسم العلمي

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