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تمريض صحة المجتمع

نموذج رقم (12)

جامعة / أكاديمية : سوهاج

كليـــة / معهـــد : التمريض

قســـــــــــــــــم : .. Community Health Nursing Department

توصيف مقرر دراسي


  1-    بيانات المقرر   
  الرمز الكودي :


أسم المقرر:

community health nursing

الفرقة / المستوى :

4th  year (2nd semester )

  التخصص :

community health nursing

عدد الوحدات الدراسية :نظري4 hrs/w ) عملي (20hrs/ w )
  2-    هدف المقرر : Apply community health nursing principles to develop strategies for illness prevention and health improvement in a variety of community health nursing practice settings within a context of primary health care and current models of health promotion.
  3-    المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
  ‌أ)      المعلومات والمفاهيم At the end of this course graduates should be able to:

1.أ     Identify determinants of health and principles of different levels of prevention for different age groups and settings.

2.أ     Describe principles of nursing management of common and life threatening problems in different age groups.

3.أ     Recognize principles and concepts of health education, leadership/management and research.

‌ب)   المهارت الذهنية : 1.ب Utilize information generated from assessing nursing activities to formulate nursing diagnoses .

2.ب Compose appropriate nursing care planes taking into consideration available workload and availability of resources within the context of a holistic care approach .

‌ج)    المهارت المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر : 1.ج  Deliver safe nursing care to various categories of patients in different health care settings through standardized protocols and  evidence based guidelines.

2.ج  Identify  and refer cases to appropriate levels when required.

3.ج  Conduct appropriate health education to patients , utilizing appropriate methods and tools according to patients and the situations.

‌د)      المهارات العامة : 1.د    Apply communication skills in professional, social and therapeutic context.

2.د    Participate in ongoing educational activities related to professional issues.

4-    محتوى المقرر :             1.4   Introduction  of community health nursing

2.4   Rural health nursing

3.4   The family health

4.4   Primary health care

5.4   Home visiting

6.4   Community study

7.4   Environmental health and safety and rural health

8.4   School health  Occupational health

9.4   Chronic disease

10.4   Women health

11.4   Maternal and child Health

12.4   Avian influenza

13.4   Nutrition

14.4   Reports and records

5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم     1.5            Lectures.

2.5            Discussion.

3.5            Role- play.

4.5            Home visit.

5.5            Field trip.

6.5            Clinical practice

6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوي القدرات المحددة  



7- تقويم الطلاب :
‌أ)       الأساليب المستخدمة 1.أ     Written exam (MCQ & essay)

2.أ     Simulation

3.أ     Demonstration and re-demonstration

4.أ     Checklists

5.أ     Student’s clinical evaluation scheme to

6.أ     Evaluation observational sheet

‌ب)   التوقيت 1.ب  Assessment 1 Mid-term exam                                    8th  week

2.ب  Assessment 2 :  Final exam                                        17th week.

3.ب  Assessment 3. : Anecdotal record     /  Weekly during the clinical practice.

4.ب  Assessment 4 : Evaluation observational sheet  /Weekly during the clinical practice.

‌ج)    توزيع الدرجات ·         Oral Examination        10    %

·         Mid-Term Examination  10%

·         Final-term Examination    40%

·         Practical Appraisal  40 %

8 – قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع :
‌أ)       مذكرات Course tote
‌ب)    كتب ملزمة Course Note: handouts given to students part by part of all content
‌ج)    كتب مقترحة : 1.ج                Blackie, C (1998): Community Health Care Nursing,1st Ed, New-York, Philadelphia.

2.ج                Edelman L., & Mandle, L., (1998): Health Promotion throughout the lifespan, 4th Ed. Mosby Co. USA.

3.ج                delman, L. Carole and Mandle, (1998): Health Promotion Throughout The Life Span 4th ed., Mosby Co., USA.

4.ج                Saucier ,L, K & Jones, S., (2001): Community Health Nursing. 4th Ed. Mosby Company, London.

5.ج                Me Ewen, RN, PhD, CS. (1998), Community Based Nursing 1st Ed., W.B. Saunders, USA company.

6.ج                Michael, Greenberg, (1997): Occupational, Industrial and Environmental Toxicology. 1st Ed. London. Mosby Co

7.ج                Spraclley, B. W. & Allender, J.A. (1996): Community Health Nursing Concepts & Practice. 4th Ed. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia.

8.ج                Stanhope & Lancaster, (2000): Community Health Nursing. 4th Ed. Mosby Co. London.

9.ج                Twin, Sr. B., Andrews S., (1998) Community Health Nursing Concepts & Practice 4th Ed., New Delh.

10.ج            Twinns, Roberts, B., Andrews S., (1998): Community Health Nursing. 2nd Ed. New Delhi.

‌د)      دورات علمية أو نشرات . . . الخ 1.د           Saucier. L and S Fanes, (2003): Essentials of Community- Based Nursing, by United States of America.

2.د           Stanhope, M & Lancaster,J . (1996): Community Health Nursing Promoting Health of Aggregates, Families, and individuals, 4th edition, london. Mosby co.

3.د           James F, Robert R. Pinger & Jerome E. KotEcli, (2002), An Introduction to Community Health 4th edition.

4.د           Stanofe.M& Lancater, J ,(2000): Community Pubic Health Nursing, 5th Ed. London, Mosby co.

5.د            Allender, A Spradley, w. (2001), Community Health nursing concepts and practice, 5th Ed, New York. Baltimore. Lippincott Co.


أستاذ المادة                                            رئيس مجلس القسم العلمي

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