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طب شرعي

نموذج رقم (12)

جامعة / أكاديمية : سوهاج

كليـــة / معهـــد : التمريض

قســـــــــــــــــم : Dept. of Forensic Medicine &Clinical Toxicology, , Faculty of Medicine

توصيف مقرر دراسي

1-   بيانات المقرر   
الرمز الكودي :


أسم المقرر:Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology الفرقة / المستوى :

: 4th  year (1st semester )


التخصص :Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology عدد الوحدات الدراسية : نظري   1hrs/w). )    عملي  1hrs/w). )

2-   هدف المقرر :

At the end of this course the student should gain the basic knowledge of forensic medicine and clinical toxicology. This knowledge provides the nurse with sufficient ground that can deal perfectly with criminal cases and simply with a case of toxicity.
المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
أ‌-        المعلومات والمفاهيم : By the end of the course, students should he able to ::

1)أ    Describe principles and medicolegal aspects of personal identification of living human bodies, some important ages and identification of blood stain .

2)أ    Explain the medico legal aspects of death, brain stem death and postmortem changes .

3)أ    Mention and explain the medico legal aspects of different types of general and special types of wounds.

4)أ    Mention and explain the medico legal aspects of head injuries

5)أ    Explain the medico legal aspects of injuries due to physical agents, complications and causes of death.

6)أ    Explain and define medico legal aspects of asphyxia and drowning.

7)أ    Explain and define the medico legal aspects of pregnancy, delivery, abortion.

8)أ    Explain the medico legal aspects of infanticide.

9)أ    Explain and define medico legal aspect of sexual crimes and child abuse

10)أ                         Explain and define medico legal aspects of firearm injuries

11)أ                         Describe principles of toxicology of different types of poisonous substances and

12)أ                         drugs which operate on human body including classification, mechanism of

13)أ                         action, clinical features of toxicity and circumstances.

14)أ                         Demonstrate basic knowledge of poisonous scorpions and snakes


ب – المهارت الذهنية : By the end of the course, students will be able to:          

1) ب         Personal identification by simple methods as external examination, teeth examination and clothes examination.

2) ب         Understands idea of diagnosis of brain stem death.

3) ب         Understand the different methods used in abortion and the law concerning the types of abortion.

جـ – المهارت المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر : By the end of the course, students should be able to:

1) ج              Differentiate between different types of wound.

2) ج              Examine blood stains.

3) ج              deal with a case of head injury,

4) ج              Discover  a case of child abuse.

5) ج              Diagnose poisoning cases.

6) ج              perform  the first aid measures in poisoning cases

د – المهارات العامة : By the end of the course, students should he able to :

1.د    Manipulate computer programs, do web search, to write an essay about medico legal community or worldwide problems or a subject in clinical toxicology.

2.د    Communicate with each others and interact effectively and ethically with patients presenting with wounds, or symptoms and signs of poisoning in the trauma and admission units of hospitals then write a report about the case or discuss with staff members.


4 – محتوى المقرر : A) 4          Identification

B) 4          Examination of Blood Stains

C) 4          Death & Post-Mortem Changes

D) 4          General  wounds

E) 4           Injuries to special organs

F) 4           Medicolegal aspects of Head Injuries

G) 4         Firearm Injuries

H) 4          Injuries due to physical agents

I) 4            Asphyxia

J) 4            Sexual Offences (Crimes)

K) 4          Medicolegal aspects of

L) 4           Pregnancy and Delivery

M) 4        Medicolegal aspects of Abortion

N) 4         Infanticide

O) 4         Child Abuse

P) 4          General toxicology

5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم : Lectures

A5       power point

B5        discussions

6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوي القدرات المحدودة لا تقبل الكليه الطلاب ذوي القدرات المحددة
7- تقويم الطلاب :
أ‌-        الأساليب المستخدمة 1.    Final-term Examination

2.       Oral Examination.

3.       Semester Work

ب‌-     التوقيت 1.    Final-term Examination at the end of course

2.    Oral Examination.  at the end of course

3.       Semester Work  during course teaching

جـ – توزيع الدرجات Final-term Examination   30 marks                          1-

2-Oral Examination         10marks

Semester Work                 10 marks3-

8 – قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع :
أ‌-        مذكرات
ب – كتب ملزمة Course notes:

1) ب         Book for Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, Forensic

2) ب         Medicine &Clinical Toxicology department , Sohag University

جــ – كتب مقترحة : 1) ج           Forensic Science International, Egyptian Journals of Forensic Medicine

2) ج           Clinical Toxicology, International Journals of Forensic Medicine

3) ج           Clinical Toxicologwww.sciencedirect.com


د – دورات علمية أو نشرات . . . الخ



أستاذ المادة : ……………………..                      رئيس مجلس القسم العلمي : …………………………