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إحصاء حيوي

نموذج رقم (12)

جامعة / أكاديمية :  سوهاج

كليـــة / معهـــد : التمريض

قســـــــــــــــــم : Community Health Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

توصيف مقرر دراسي


1-   بيانات المقرر   
الرمز الكوي:    SUP-211 أسم المقرر:Statistics for Nurses الفرقة / المستوى

4th  year (1st semester )


التخصص:Statistics for Nurses عدد الوحدات الدراسية : نظري  (2hrs/ week   )  عملي  1hr/w). )


  2-    هدف المقرر : The aim of the basic statistics curriculum is to provide nurses with a foundation of advanced statistics and to become a critical and knowledgeable consumer of nursing research.
  3-    المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
  أ‌-        المعلومات والمفاهيم : 1)أ    Recognize the differences between the nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales of measurements.

2)أ    List the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics.

3)أ    Specify the variable of a research study.

4)أ    Define the term frequency distribution.

5)أ    Identify symmetric and distribution of data.

6)أ    Define and compute measures of central tendency ( mean, median and mode)

7)أ    Define and computer measures of variability (range, variance & standard deviation).

8)أ    Summarize date by means of percents, percentiles, rates and ratio.

9)أ    Define population and sample and state the relationship between them.

10)أ          Describe the relationship between parameters and statistics.

11)أ     List the properties of the normal distribution.

12)أ     Describe in words the meaning of sampling error.

13)أ     Compute and interpret confidence intervals on the true population proportion.

14)أ     List the elements of a statistical test.

15)أ     State the assumptions and nature of the data necessary for the use a simple t- test.

16)أ     Discuss the interpretation of correlation.

17)أ     Determine the correlation between two variables using correlation coefficient.

18)أ     Describe what probability and non- probability sampling.


ب – المهارت الذهنية: 1)ب      Differentiate the analysis of quantities and qualitative data.
جـ – المهارت المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر : 1.ج   Perform simple manipulation using notation.

2.ج   Construct an absolute frequency table and a relative frequency table.

3.ج   Present a frequency table graphically by means of a histogram.

4.ج   Present data by means of bar chart, circle graphs and frequency polygons.

5.ج   Interpret results of simple t-test, pooled t- test, and paired t- test.

6.ج   Carry out a test of hypothesis using a pooled t-test of hypothesis using a pooled t-test and a paired t-test.

7.ج   Calculate the X2 test of hypothesis

د – المهارات العامة : 1.د      Use computer and internet skills.
4 – محتوى المقرر : ‌أ)4     Introduction to the course of statistics

‌ب)4 Descriptive statistics

‌ج)4  Population, samples and the normal distribution

‌د)4    Estimating population parameters

‌ه)4    Appropriate statistical test

‌و)4   Making inferences about means mode media

‌ز)4   Making inferences about means mode media

‌ح)4  Analysis of variance

‌ط)4  The chi-squared tests

‌ي)4 Non parametric methods

‌ك)4  Methods of sample selection

5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم : ‌أ) 5   Lecture notes.

‌ب) 5           Demonstrations.

6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوي القدرات المحدودة لا تقبل الكليه الطلاب ذوي القدرات المحددة
7- تقويم الطلاب :
أ‌-        الأساليب المستخدمة 1.    Final-term Examination

2.       Oral Examination.

3.       Semester Work

ب‌-     التوقيت 1.    Final-term Examination at the end of course

2.    Oral Examination.  at the end of course

3.       -Semester Work  during course teaching

جـ – توزيع الدرجات 1.    Final-term Examination   60 marks

2.    Oral Examination         20marks

  1. Semester Work                 20 marks
8 – قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع :
أ‌-        مذكرات  
ب – كتب ملزمة 1)ب              Course notes
جــ – كتب مقترحة : 1.ج   Rebecca G. Knapp (1985): Basic statistics for nurses. 2nd ed ,A willy Medical publication, John Wiley & sons, New York, Chchester, Brisbone, Toronto, Singapoe.

2.ج   Aviva petrie (1978): Lecture Notes on Medical Statistics. Block well scientific publications, Oxford London, Edinburgh, Boston, Paloalto mebcurne

د – دورات علمية أو نشرات . . . الخ  




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