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الرئيسية » Procedures for preserving intellectual property rights

Procedures for preserving intellectual property rights

The College of Nursing implements many procedures to preserve intellectual property and publication rights, examples of which are: –

1- The college library is committed to copying no more than 30 papers of the scientific book and 20 of the scientific papers and announcing that in a clear place in the library.

2- Converting all books used by students of the basic program into books with numbers deposited at the General Book Authority.

3- Converting all college brochures into books with deposit numbers.

4- The college has formed credibility and Ethics Committee.

5- The committee prepared a proposal for an ethical charter for the college.

6- It was presented to the legal affairs for legal opinion and then approved by the college council.

7- The charter of Ethics includes provisions for compliance with intellectual property and copyright laws and for copyright protection.

8- The ethical charter has been published in all departments of the college and its administration, in addition to discussing it in the college council, in the interest of the college to spread the culture of intellectual property rights.